Source code for toblerone.classes.common_parser

CommonParser: a subclass of the library ArgumentParser object pre-configured
to parse arguments that are common to many pvtools functions

import argparse
import multiprocessing as mp 

[docs]class CommonParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Preconfigured subclass of ArgumentParser to parse arguments that are common across pvtools functions. To use, instantiate an object, then call add_argument to add in the arguments unique to the particular function in which it is being used, then finally call parse_args as normal. """ def __init__(self, *args_to_add, **kwargs): from ..__main__ import suffix super().__init__(prog='toblerone', epilog=suffix, usage='toblerone -command-name <options>', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, **kwargs) general = self.add_argument_group("general arguments") if 'ref' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-ref', required=True, help="path to reference image that defines voxel grid") if 'surf' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-surf', type=str, required=True, help="path to surface (see -coords argument below)") if 'coords' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-coords', required=True, choices=['fsl', 'world'], default='world', help="""coordinates in which surface is defined, either 'world' (mm coords) or 'fsl' (FSL convention, eg FIRST surfaces)""") if 'struct2ref' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-struct2ref', required=True, help="""path to registration to align surfaces with reference image. Use 'I' to denote identity transform.""") if 'flirt' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-flirt', action='store_true', required=False, help="set if struct2ref transform was produced by FSL FLIRT") if 'struct' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-struct', required=False, help=("""if -struct2ref is FLIRT transform, or -firstdir has been set, provide a path to the structural image used to generate the surfaces""")) if 'out' in args_to_add: general.add_argument('-out', required=True, help="path to save output at") fsgroup = self.add_argument_group("cortical surfaces") if 'fsdir' in args_to_add: fsgroup.add_argument('-fsdir', required=False, help="path to FreeSurfer subject directory, from which /surf " "will be loaded, or provide -LPS/LWS/RPS/RWS") if 'LWS' in args_to_add: fsgroup.add_argument('-LWS', required=False, help="alternative to -fsdir, path to left white surface") if 'LPS' in args_to_add: fsgroup.add_argument('-LPS', required=False, help="alternative to -fsdir, path to left pial surface") if 'RWS' in args_to_add: fsgroup.add_argument('-RWS', required=False, help="alternative to -fsdir, path to right white surface") if 'RPS' in args_to_add: fsgroup.add_argument('-RPS', required=False, help="alternative to -fsdir, path to right pial surface") anatgroup = self.add_argument_group("subcortical surfaces and segmentations") if 'fslanat' in args_to_add: anatgroup.add_argument('-fslanat', type=str, required=False, help="path to fslanat dir (replaces firstdir/fastdir)") if 'firstdir' in args_to_add: anatgroup.add_argument('-firstdir', type=str, required=False, help=("""replaces -fslanat, path to FSL FIRST directory (all .vtk surfaces will be loaded)""")) if 'fastdir' in args_to_add: anatgroup.add_argument('-fastdir', type=str, required=False, help="""replaces -fslanat, path to directory with FAST outputs. Note that -struct2ref transform will also be applied""") misc = self.add_argument_group("other arguments") if 'super' in args_to_add: misc.add_argument('-super', nargs='+', required=False, type=int, help="""voxel subdivision factor, a single value or one for each dimension""") if 'cores' in args_to_add: misc.add_argument('-cores', type=int, required=False, default=mp.cpu_count(), help="number of CPU cores to use (default is max available)") if 'ones' in args_to_add: misc.add_argument('-ones', action='store_true', help="debug tool (whole voxel PV assignment)")