Source code for toblerone.classes.image_space

ImageSpace: image matrix, inc dimensions, voxel size, vox2world matrix and
inverse, of an image. Inherits most methods and properties from 

import copy 
import warnings

import numpy as np 
from regtricks import ImageSpace as BaseSpace

from toblerone import utils

[docs]class ImageSpace(BaseSpace): """ Voxel grid of an image, ignoring actual image data. Args: reference: path to image file, or regtricks ImageSpace object Attributes: size: array of voxel counts in each dimension vox_size: array of voxel size in each dimension vox2world: 4x4 affine to transform voxel coords -> world world2vox: inverse of above self.offset: private variable used for derived spaces """ def __init__(self, reference): if type(reference) is str: super().__init__(reference) else: if not type(reference) is BaseSpace: raise ValueError("Reference must be a path or regtricks ImageSpace") for k,v in vars(reference).items(): setattr(self, k, copy.deepcopy(v)) self.offset = None
[docs] @classmethod def minimal_enclosing(cls, surfs, reference): """ Return the minimal space required to enclose a set of surfaces. This space will be based upon the reference, sharing its voxel size and i,j,k unit vectors from the voxel2world matrix, but will may have a different FoV. The offset of the voxel coord system relative to reference will be stored as the space.offset attribute Args: surfs: singular or list of surface objects reference: ImageSpace object or path to image to use Returns: ImageSpace object, with a shifted origin and potentially different FoV relative to the reference. Subtract offset from coords in this space to return them to original reference coords. """ if type(surfs) is not list: slist = [surfs] else: slist = surfs if type(reference) is not ImageSpace: space = ImageSpace(reference) else: space = copy.deepcopy(reference) # Extract min and max vox coords in the reference space min_max = np.empty((2*len(slist), 3)) for sidx,s in enumerate(slist): ps = utils.affine_transform(s.points, space.world2vox) min_max[sidx*2,:] = ps.min(0) min_max[sidx*2 + 1,:] = ps.max(0) # Fix the offset relative to reference and minimal size min_vox = np.floor(min_max.min(0)).astype(np.int16) max_vox = np.ceil(min_max.max(0)).astype(np.int16) # min_vox = np.clip(min_vox, 0, space.size-1) # max_vox = np.clip(max_vox, 0, space.size-1) size = max_vox - min_vox + 1 # Get a copy of the corresponding mm coords for checking later min_max_mm = utils.affine_transform(np.array([min_vox, max_vox]), space.vox2world) # Calculate new origin for the coordinate system and modify the # vox2world matrix accordingly space.size = size space.vox2world[0:3,3] = min_max_mm[0,:] space.offset = - min_vox check = utils.affine_transform(min_max_mm, space.world2vox) if (np.any(check[0,:].round() < 0) or np.any(check[1,:].round() > size - 1)): raise RuntimeError("New space does not enclose surfaces") new_voxs, old_voxs = reindexing_filter(space, reference) if not (new_voxs.size and old_voxs.size): warnings.warn(f"Surfaces {[ for s in slist]} do not intersect the reference voxel grid") space.parent = reference return space
[docs] def derives_from(self, parent): """ Logical test whether this ImageSpace was derived from another. "Derived" means sharing i,j,k unit vectors and having their origins shifted by an integer multiple of voxels relative to each other. """ det1 = np.linalg.det(parent.vox2world[0:3,0:3]) det2 = np.linalg.det(self.vox2world[0:3,0:3]) offset_mm = parent.vox2world[0:3,3] - self.vox2world[0:3,3] offset_mm2 = parent.vox2world[0:3,3] @ self.offset return ((np.abs(det1 - det2) < 1e-9) and np.all(np.abs(offset_mm - offset_mm2) < 1e9))
[docs]def reindexing_filter(src_space, dest_space, as_bool=False): """ Filter of voxels in the source space that lie within destination space. Use for extracting PV estimates from index space back to the space from which the index space derives. NB dest_space must derive from the surface's current index_space Args: src_space: ImageSpace data is currently in dest_space: ImageSpace data will be mapped into. Must derive from src_space. as_bool: output results as logical filters instead of indices (note they will be of different size in this case) Returns: (src_inds, dest_inds) arrays of equal length, flat indices into arrays of size src_space.size and dest_space.size respectively, mapping voxels from source to corresponding destination positions """ if not src_space.derives_from(dest_space): raise ValueError("src_space must derive from dest_space") # We need offset and size of source space compared to dest offset = src_space.offset size = src_space.size # src_orig = src_space.vox2world[:3,3] # dest_orig = dest_space.vox2world[:3,3] # shift_mm = dest_orig - src_orig # shift_vox = shift_mm / src_space.vox_size # List voxel indices in the current index space # List corresponding voxel coordinates in the destination space # curr2dest_fltr selects voxel indices from the current space that # are also contained within the destination space # inds_in_src = np.arange( # voxs_in_src = np.array(np.unravel_index(inds_in_src, size)).T voxs_in_src = np.moveaxis(np.indices(size), 0, 3).reshape(-1,3) voxs_in_dest = voxs_in_src - offset fltr = np.logical_and(np.all(voxs_in_dest > - 1, 1), np.all(voxs_in_dest < dest_space.size, 1)) src_inds = np.ravel_multi_index(voxs_in_src[fltr,:].T, size) dest_inds = np.ravel_multi_index(voxs_in_dest[fltr,:].T, dest_space.size) if as_bool: src_fltr = np.zeros(, dtype=bool) src_fltr[src_inds] = 1 dest_fltr = np.zeros(, dtype=bool) dest_fltr[dest_inds] = 1 return (src_fltr, dest_fltr) return src_inds, dest_inds