Source code for toblerone.classes.surfaces

Surface-related classes

import itertools
import os.path as op 
from types import SimpleNamespace
import functools
import warnings 
import multiprocessing as mp 
import copy 

import numpy as np 
import nibabel 
from scipy import sparse
import pyvista
import vtk 

from .image_space import ImageSpace, BaseSpace, reindexing_filter
from .. import utils, core
from ..utils import NP_FLOAT, is_symmetric


def ensure_derived_space(func):
    Decorator for Surface functions that require ImageSpace arguments. 
    Internally, Surface objecs store information indexed to a minimal 
    enclosing voxel grid (referred to as the self.index_grid) based on 
    some arbitrary ImageSpace. When interacting with other ImageSpaces, 
    this function ensures that two grids are compatible with each other.

    def ensured(self, *args):
        if (not args) or (not isinstance(args[0], BaseSpace)): 
            raise RuntimeError("Function must be called with ImageSpace argument first")
        if self.indexed is None: 
            raise RuntimeError("Surface must be indexed prior to using this function" + 
            "Call surface.index_on()")
        if not[0]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Target space is not derived from surface's current index space."+
                "Call surface.index_on with the target space first")
        return func(self, *args)
    return ensured 

def assert_indexed(func): 
    Decorator to ensure surface has been indexed prior to calling function. 
    def asserted(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.indexed is None: 
            raise RuntimeError("Surface must be indexed before calling ",
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return asserted

[docs]class Surface(object): """ Encapsulates a surface's points, triangles and associations data. Create either by passing a file path (as below) or use the static class method Surface.manual() to directly pass points and triangles. Args: path (str): path to file (GIFTI/FS binary/pyvista compatible) name (str): optional, for progress bars """ def __init__(self, path, name=None): if not op.exists(path): raise RuntimeError("File {} does not exist".format(path)) # Can we get an extension please, makes life easier surfExt = op.splitext(path)[-1] # GIFTI via nibabel if surfExt == '.gii': try: gft = nibabel.load(path).darrays ps, ts = gft[0].data, gft[1].data except Exception as e: print(f"""Could not load {path} as .gii. Is it a surface GIFTI (.surf.gii)?""") raise e # VTK via vtk (ie python vtk library) elif surfExt == '.vtk': try: reader = vtk.vtkGenericDataObjectReader() reader.SetFileName(path) reader.Update() ps = np.array(reader.GetOutput().GetPoints().GetData()) ts = np.array(reader.GetOutput().GetPolys().GetData()) # tris array is returned as a single vector eg # [3 a b c 3 a b c] where 3 represents triangle faces # so it actually has FOUR columns, the first of which # is all 3... if (ts.size % 4): raise ValueError(f'VTK file does not appear to be triangle data (first poly has {ts[0]} faces') ts = ts.reshape(-1,4) if (ts[:,0] != 3).any(): raise ValueError(f'VTK file does not appear to be triangle data (first poly has {ts[0,0]} faces') ts = ts[:,1:] except Exception as e: print(f"""Could not load {path} as .vtk. Is it a triangle VTK?""") raise e else: # FS files don't have a proper extension (binary) # FreeSurfer via nibabel try: ps, ts, meta =, read_metadata=True) if not 'cras' in meta: print('Warning: Could not load C_ras from surface', path) print('If true C_ras is non-zero then estimates will be inaccurate') else: ps += meta['cras'] # Maybe FreeSurfer didn't work, try anything else via pyvista except Exception as e: try: poly = ps = np.array(poly.points) ts = poly.faces.reshape(-1,4)[:,1:] except Exception as e: print("Could not load surface via pyvista") raise e if ps.shape[1] != 3: raise RuntimeError("Points matrices should be p x 3") if ts.shape[1] != 3: raise RuntimeError("Triangles matrices should be t x 3") if (np.max(ts) != ps.shape[0]-1) or (np.min(ts) != 0): raise RuntimeError("Incorrect points/triangle indexing") self.points = ps.astype(NP_FLOAT) self.tris = ts.astype(np.int32) self.indexed = None = name self._use_mp = (self.tris.shape[0] > MP_THRESHOLD) def __repr__(self): from textwrap import dedent return dedent(f"""\ Surface with {self.n_points} points and {self.tris.shape[0]} triangles. min (X,Y,Z): {self.points.min(0)} mean (X,Y,Z): {self.points.mean(0)} max (X,Y,Z): {self.points.max(0)} """)
[docs] @classmethod def manual(cls, ps, ts, name='<manually created surface>'): """Manual surface constructor using points and triangles arrays""" if (ps.shape[1] != 3) or (ts.shape[1] != 3): raise RuntimeError("ps, ts arrays must have N x 3 dimensions") if ts.min() > 0: raise RuntimeError("ts array should be 0-indexed") s = cls.__new__(cls) s.points = copy.deepcopy(ps.astype(NP_FLOAT)) s.tris = copy.deepcopy(ts.astype(np.int32)) s.indexed = None = name s._use_mp = (s.tris.shape[0] > MP_THRESHOLD) return s
@property def n_points(self): return self.points.shape[0]
[docs] def save_metric(self, data, path): """ Save vertex-wise data as a .func.gii at path """ if not self.n_points == data.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect data shape") if not path.endswith('.func.gii'): print("appending .func.gii extension") path += '.func.gii' gii = nibabel.GiftiImage() gii.add_gifti_data_array( nibabel.gifti.GiftiDataArray(data.astype(NP_FLOAT))), path)
[docs] def save(self, path): """ Save surface as .surf.gii (default), .white/.pial at path. """ if path.endswith('.vtk'): # Faces must be an array of polygons with 3 in first # columns to denote triangle data faces = 3 * np.ones((self.tris.shape[0],4), dtype=int) faces[:,1:] = self.tris m = pyvista.PolyData(self.points, faces) elif path.count('.gii'): if not path.endswith('.surf.gii'): if path.endswith('.gii'): path.replace('.gii', '.surf.gii') else: path += '.surf.gii' if is None: = 'Other' m0 = {'GeometricType': 'Anatomical'} if in ['LWS', 'LPS', 'RWS', 'RPS']: cortexdict = { sd + sf + 'S': { 'AnatomicalStructurePrimary': 'CortexLeft' if sd == 'L' else 'CortexRight', 'AnatomicalStructureSecondary': 'GrayWhite' if sd == 'W' else 'Pial' } for (sd, sf) in itertools.product(['L', 'R'], ['P', 'W']) } m0.update(cortexdict[]) else: m0.update({'AnatomicalStructurePrimary':}) # Points matrix # 1 corresponds to NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT ps = nibabel.gifti.GiftiDataArray(self.points, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET', coordsys=nibabel.gifti.GiftiCoordSystem(1,1), datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32', meta=nibabel.gifti.GiftiMetaData.from_dict(m0)) # Triangles matrix m1 = {'TopologicalType': 'Closed'} ts = nibabel.gifti.GiftiDataArray(self.tris, intent='NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE', coordsys=nibabel.gifti.GiftiCoordSystem(0,0), datatype='NIFTI_TYPE_INT32', meta=nibabel.gifti.GiftiMetaData.from_dict(m1)) img = nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=[ps,ts]), path) else: if not (path.endswith(".white") or path.endswith(".pial")): warnings.warn("Saving as FreeSurfer binary") nibabel.freesurfer.write_geometry(path, self.points, self.tris)
[docs] @ensure_derived_space def output_pvs(self, space): """ Express PVs in the voxel grid of space. Space must derive from that which the surface was indexed with (see ImageSpace.derives_from()). """ pvs_curr = self.indexed.voxelised.astype(NP_FLOAT) pvs_curr[self.indexed.assocs_keys] = self.fractions out = np.zeros(, dtype=NP_FLOAT) curr_inds, dest_inds = reindexing_filter(, space) out[dest_inds] = pvs_curr[curr_inds] return out.reshape(space.size)
@assert_indexed def _estimate_fractions(self, supersampler, cores, ones, desc=''): """ Estimate interior/exterior fractions within current index_space. Args: supersampler: list/tuple of 3 ints, subdivision factor in each dim cores: number of multiprocessing cores to use ones: debug tool, write ones in all voxels within assocs_keys desc: for use with progress bar """ cores = cores if self._use_mp else 1 if ones: self.fractions = np.ones(self.indexed.assocs_keys.size, dtype=NP_FLOAT) else: self.fractions = core._estimateFractions(self, supersampler, desc, cores)
[docs] def index_on(self, space, cores=mp.cpu_count()): """ Index a surface to an ImageSpace. This is a pre-processing step for PV estimation and produces a set of state variables that are specific to the space that the surface has been indexed on. Accordingly, these are all stored on the surface.indexed attribute to keep them clear of the original surface attributes. Args: space (ImageSpace): voxel grid to index against. cores (int): CPU cores for multiprocessing. Returns: None, but the attribute ``self.indexed`` is set (see notes) Notes: ``self.indexed.points_vox``: vertices converted into voxel coordinates for the space\n ``self.indexed.assocs``: vertex/voxel associations as sparse CSR bool matrix of size (voxs, tris)\n ``self.indexed.assocs_keys``: flat voxel indices that intersect surface\n ``self.indexed.xprods``: surface triangle cross products in voxel coordinates\n ````: the minimal enclosing ``ImageSpace`` used for indexing associations\n (NB this is not necessarily the same as the input space) """ # Smallest possible ImageSpace, based on space, that fully encloses surf. # This is necessary to deal with partial coverage (ie, the voxel grid # does not enclose the surface, which in turn causes problems with # voxelisation). As such, the indexing space may not be the same as the # space passed in by the caller, but it will "derive from" that space. # Other functions that relate to ImageSpaces use the @ensure_derived_space # decorator to check this holds. encl_space = ImageSpace.minimal_enclosing(self, space) # Map surface points into this space points_vox = utils.affine_transform(self.points, encl_space.world2vox) assert utils.space_encloses_surface(encl_space, points_vox) # Calculate associations and cross products cores = cores if self._use_mp else 1 assocs, assocs_keys = core.form_associations(points_vox, self.tris, encl_space, cores) if not assocs_keys.size: warnings.warn(f'Surface {} does not intersect the reference voxel grid') xprods = utils.calculateXprods(points_vox, self.tris) # All the results of indexing are stored using the namedtuple # structure under the attribue self.indexed self.indexed = SimpleNamespace( points_vox=points_vox, space=encl_space, assocs=assocs, assocs_keys=assocs_keys, xprods=xprods, )
[docs] @ensure_derived_space def voxelise(self, space, cores=mp.cpu_count()): """ Voxelise a surface within an ImageSpace. This requires the surface to have been indexed on the same ImageSpace first. Args: space (ImageSpace): voxel grid to test against surface cores (int): CPU cores to use Returns (bool): flat array of voxels contained within surface """ if self.indexed is None: raise RuntimeError("Surface must be indexed before calling this function") # We will project rays along the longest dimension and split the # grid along the first of the other two. size = dim = np.argmax(size) other_dims = list({0,1,2} - {dim}) # Get the voxel IJKs for every voxel intersecting the surface # Group these according to their ray number, and then strip out # repeats to get the minimal set of rays that need to be projected # For voxel IJK, and projection along dimension Y, the ray number # is given by I,K within a grid of size XZ. Ray D1D2 is an Nx2 array # holding the unique ray coords in dimensions XZ. allIJKs = np.array(np.unravel_index(self.indexed.assocs_keys, size)).T ray_numbers = np.ravel_multi_index(allIJKs[:,other_dims].T, size[other_dims]) _, uniq_rays = np.unique(ray_numbers, return_index=True) rayD1D2 = allIJKs[uniq_rays,:] rayD1D2 = rayD1D2[:,other_dims] worker = functools.partial(core._voxelise_worker, self) cores = cores if self._use_mp else 1 if cores > 1: # Share out the rays and subset of the overall dimension range # amongst pool workers sub_ranges = utils._distributeObjects(range(size[other_dims[0]]), cores) subD1D2s = [ rayD1D2[(rayD1D2[:,0] >= sub.start) & (rayD1D2[:,0] < sub.stop),:] for sub in sub_ranges ] # Check tasks were shared out completely, zip them together for pool assert sum([s.shape[0] for s in subD1D2s]) == rayD1D2.shape[0] assert sum([len(s) for s in sub_ranges]) == size[other_dims[0]] worker_args = zip(sub_ranges, subD1D2s) with mp.Pool(cores) as p: submasks = p.starmap(worker, worker_args) src_mask = np.concatenate(submasks, axis=other_dims[0]) else: src_mask = worker(range(size[other_dims[0]]), rayD1D2) if not src_mask.any(): warnings.warn(f"Voxelisation of {}: no voxels filled") src_mask = src_mask.flatten() # If the space provided is not the same as the space used for indexing # (because we reduced the FoV when indexing), we need to map results # from the indexing space into the destination space. See index_on() # for more info. # Else, we can just return the mask as-is. if space != src_inds, dest_inds = reindexing_filter(, space, False) mask = np.zeros(, dtype=bool) mask[dest_inds] = src_mask[src_inds] else: mask = src_mask return src_mask
[docs] @ensure_derived_space def reindex_LUT(self, space): """Return a copy of LUT indices expressed in another space""" src_inds, dest_inds = reindexing_filter(, space) fltr = np.in1d(src_inds, self.indexed.assocs_keys, assume_unique=True) return dest_inds[fltr]
[docs] @ensure_derived_space def find_bridges(self, space): """ Find voxels within space that are intersected by this surface multiple times Args: space: ImageSpace, or path to image, in which to find bridge voxels NB the surface must have been indexed in this space already (see Surface.index_on) Returns: array of linear voxel indices """ group_counts = np.array([len(core._separatePointClouds( self.tris[self.indexed.assocs[v,:].indices,:])) for v in self.indexed.assocs_keys ]) bridges = self.indexed.assocs_keys[group_counts > 1] if space == return bridges else: src_inds, dest_inds = reindexing_filter(, space) fltr = np.in1d(src_inds, bridges, assume_unique=True) return dest_inds[fltr]
[docs] def transform(self, transform): """Apply affine transformation to surface vertices, return new Surface""" points = utils.affine_transform( self.points, transform).astype(NP_FLOAT) return Surface.manual(points, self.tris,
[docs] def to_patch(self, vox_idx): """ Return a patch object specific to a voxel given by linear index. Look up the triangles intersecting the voxel, and then load and rebase the points / surface normals as required. """ tri_nums = self.indexed.assocs[vox_idx,:].indices (ps, ts) = utils.rebase_triangles(self.indexed.points_vox, self.tris, tri_nums) return Patch(ps, ts, self.indexed.xprods[tri_nums,:])
[docs] def to_patches(self, vox_inds): """ Return the patches for the voxels in voxel indices, flattened into a single set of ps, ts and xprods. If no patches exist for this list of voxels return None. """ tri_nums = self.indexed.assocs[vox_inds,:].indices if tri_nums.size: tri_nums = np.unique(tri_nums) return Patch(self.indexed.points_vox, self.tris[tri_nums,:], self.indexed.xprods[tri_nums,:]) else: return None
[docs] def to_polydata(self): """Return pyvista polydata object for this surface""" tris = 3 * np.ones((self.tris.shape[0], self.tris.shape[1]+1), np.int32) tris[:,1:] = self.tris return pyvista.PolyData(self.points, tris)
[docs] def adjacency_matrix(self, distance_weight=0): """ Adjacency matrix for the points of this surface, as a scipy sparse matrix of size P x P, with 1 denoting a shared edge between points. Args: distance_weight (int): apply inverse distance weighting, default 0 (do not weight, all egdes are unity), whereas positive values will weight edges by 1 / d^n, where d is geometric distance between vertices. """ if not (isinstance(distance_weight, int) and (distance_weight >= 0)): raise ValueError("distance_weight must be int >= 0") edge_pairs = np.array([ np.concatenate((self.tris[:,0], self.tris[:,1], self.tris[:,2])), np.concatenate((self.tris[:,1], self.tris[:,2], self.tris[:,0])) ]) row, col = edge_pairs if distance_weight > 0: weights = np.linalg.norm(self.points[row,:] - self.points[col,:], ord=2, axis=-1).flatten() weights = 1 / (weights ** distance_weight) else: weights = np.ones(row.size, dtype=np.int32) adj = sparse.coo_matrix((weights, (row, col)), shape=(self.n_points, self.n_points)) if distance_weight == 0: assert adj.max() == 1 assert is_symmetric(adj), 'Adjacency should be symmetric' return adj.tocsr()
[docs] def mesh_laplacian(self, distance_weight=0): """ Mesh Laplacian operator for this surface, as a scipy sparse matrix of size n_points x n_points. Elements on the diagonal are negative and off-diagonal elements are positive. All neighbours are weighted with value 1 (ie, equal weighting ignoring distance). Args: distance_weight (int): apply inverse distance weighting, default 0 (do not weight, all values are unity), whereas positive values will weight elements by 1 / d^n, where d is geometric distance between vertices. Returns: sparse CSR matrix """ # The diagonal is the negative sum of other elements adj = self.adjacency_matrix(distance_weight) adj = np.around(adj, 9) # FIXME: this is less than ideal - would be better to round to s.f. dia = adj.sum(1).A.flatten() laplacian = sparse.dia_matrix((dia, 0), shape=(adj.shape), dtype=np.float32) laplacian = adj - laplacian assert (np.abs(laplacian.sum(1))< 1e-4).all(), 'Unweighted laplacian' assert utils.is_nsd(laplacian), 'Not negative semi-definite' assert utils.is_symmetric(laplacian), 'Not symmetric' return laplacian
[docs] def cotangent_laplacian(self): """ Discrete Laplacian operator with cotangent weights. Elements on the diagonal are the negative sum of each row / column. Taken from: Returns: sparse CSR matrix, size (n_points x n_points) """ points = self.points.T a, b, c = self.tris.T A = np.take(points, a, axis=1) B = np.take(points, b, axis=1) C = np.take(points, c, axis=1) eab, ebc, eca = (B - A, C - B, A - C) eab = eab / np.linalg.norm(eab, axis=0)[None,:] ebc = ebc / np.linalg.norm(ebc, axis=0)[None,:] eca = eca / np.linalg.norm(eca, axis=0)[None,:] alpha = np.arccos(-(eca * eab).sum(0)) beta = np.arccos(-(eab * ebc).sum(0)) gamma = np.arccos(-(ebc * eca).sum(0)) wab, wbc, wca = (1.0 / np.tan(gamma), 1.0 / np.tan(alpha), 1.0 / np.tan(beta)) rows = np.concatenate(( a, b, a, b, b, c, b, c, c, a, c, a ), axis=0) cols = np.concatenate(( a, b, b, a, b, c, c, b, c, a, a, c ), axis=0) vals = np.concatenate(( wab, wab,-wab,-wab, wbc, wbc,-wbc,-wbc, wca, wca,-wca, -wca), axis=0) L = - sparse.coo_matrix((vals, (rows,cols)), shape=(points.shape[1],points.shape[1]), dtype=NP_FLOAT).tocsr() assert (np.abs(L.sum(1))< 1e-4).all(), 'Unweighted laplacian' assert utils.is_nsd(L), 'Not negative semi-definite' assert utils.is_symmetric(L), 'Not symmetric' return L
[docs] def edges(self): """ Edge matrix, sized as follows (tris, 3, 3), where the second dimension contains the edges defined as (v1 - v0), (v2 - v0), (v2 - v1), and the final dimension contains the edge components in XYZ. """ edge_defns = [ list(e) for e in core.TRI_EDGE_INDEXING ] edges = np.stack([ self.points[self.tris[:,e[0]],:] - self.points[self.tris[:,e[1]],:] for e in edge_defns ], axis=1) return edges
[docs]class Patch(Surface): """ Subclass of Surface that represents a small patch of surface. Points, triangles and xprods are all inherited from the parent surface. This class should not be directly created but instead instantiated via the Surface.to_patch() / to_patches() methods. """ def __init__(self, points, tris, xprods): self.points = points self.tris = tris self.xprods = xprods
[docs] def shrink(self, fltr): """ Return a shrunk copy of the patch by applying the logical filter fltr to the calling objects tris and xprods matrices """ return Patch(self.points, self.tris[fltr,:], self.xprods[fltr,:])
[docs]class Hemisphere(object): """ The white and pial surfaces of a hemisphere, and a repository to store data when calculating tissue PVs from the fractions of each surface Args: inpath: path to white surface outpath: path to pial surface side: 'L' or 'R' """ def __init__(self, insurf, outsurf, side): if not side in ['L', 'R']: raise ValueError("Side must be either 'L' or 'R'") self.side = side # Create surfaces from path or make our own copy if not isinstance(insurf, Surface): self.inSurf = Surface(insurf, name=side+'WS') else: self.inSurf = copy.deepcopy(insurf) if not isinstance(insurf, Surface): self.outSurf = Surface(outsurf, name=side+'PS') else: self.outSurf = copy.deepcopy(outsurf) if (self.inSurf.tris != self.outSurf.tris).any(): raise ValueError("Both surfaces must have same triangles array") self.PVs = None return @property def surfs(self): """Iterator over the inner/outer surfaces""" return [self.inSurf, self.outSurf] @property def surf_dict(self): """Return surfs as dict with appropriate keys (eg LPS)""" return { self.side + 'WS': self.inSurf, self.side + 'PS': self.outSurf}
[docs] def transform(self, mat): """ Apply affine transformation to each surface. Returns a new Hemisphre. """ surfs = [ s.transform(mat) for s in self.surfs ] return Hemisphere(*surfs, self.side)
[docs] def midsurface(self): """Midsurface between inner and outer cortex""" vec = self.outSurf.points - self.inSurf.points points = self.inSurf.points + (0.5 * vec) return Surface.manual(points, self.inSurf.tris)
[docs] def thickness(self): vec = self.outSurf.points - self.inSurf.points return np.linalg.norm(vec, ord=2, axis=-1)
[docs] def adjacency_matrix(self, distance_weight=0): """ Adjacency matrix of any cortical surface (they necessarily share the same triagulation, which is checked during initialisation). Args: distance_weight (int): apply inverse distance weighting, default 0 (do not weight, all egdes are unity), whereas positive values will weight edges by 1 / d^n, where d is geometric distance between vertices. """ return self.inSurf.adjacency_matrix(distance_weight)
@property def n_points(self): """Number of vertices on either cortical surface""" return self.inSurf.n_points
[docs] def mesh_laplacian(self, distance_weight=0): """ Mesh Laplacian on cortical midsurface. Args: distance_weight (int): apply inverse distance weighting, default 0 (do not weight, all egdes are unity), whereas positive values will weight edges by 1 / d^n, where d is geometric distance between vertices. """ return self.midsurface().mesh_laplacian(distance_weight)
[docs] def cotangent_laplacian(self): """ Discrete Laplacian operator with cotangent weights on midsurface. Elements on the diagonal are the negative sum of each row / column. Taken from: Returns: sparse CSR matrix, size (n_points x n_points) """ return self.midsurface().cotangent_laplacian()