Source code for toblerone.commandline

# Command line interface for toblerone
# The following functions are exposed to the file and are
# called when the module is invoked eg python3 -m toblerone

import os.path as op
import os

import regtricks as rt 

from toblerone import utils, pvestimation, projection
from toblerone.classes import CommonParser, ImageSpace, Surface

[docs]def estimate_cortex(): """ CLI for estimating PVs from cortex (either L,R, or both) """ parser = CommonParser('ref', 'struct2ref', 'fsdir', 'LPS', 'RPS', 'RWS', 'LWS', 'flirt', 'struct', 'cores', 'out', 'ones', 'super', description="Estimate PVs for L/R cortical hemispheres") kwargs = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Estimation PVs = pvestimation.cortex(**kwargs) # Output ext = '.nii.gz' if not kwargs.get('out'): namebase = op.splitext(utils._splitExts(kwargs['ref'])[0])[0] outdir = op.join(op.dirname(kwargs['ref']), namebase + '_cortexpvs') else: outdir = kwargs['out'] os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) refSpace = ImageSpace(kwargs['ref']) print('Saving output at', outdir) p = op.join(outdir, 'stacked' + ext) refSpace.save_image(PVs, p) for i,t in enumerate(['GM', 'WM', 'nonbrain']): p = op.join(outdir, t + ext) refSpace.save_image(PVs[:,:,:,i], p)
[docs]def estimate_structure(): """ CLI for estimating PVs from a single surface """ parser = CommonParser('ref', 'struct2ref', 'flirt', 'struct', 'super', 'out', 'surf', 'coords', description="Estimate PVs for a structure defined by a single surface.") kwargs = vars(parser.parse_args()) ext = '.nii.gz' if not kwargs.get('out'): namebase = op.splitext(utils._splitExts(kwargs['ref'])[0])[0] sname = op.splitext(utils._splitExts(kwargs['surf'])[0])[0] outdir = op.dirname(kwargs['ref']) kwargs['out'] = op.join(outdir, '%s_%s_pvs%s' % (namebase, sname, ext)) else: if not kwargs['out'].endswith(ext): kwargs['out'] += ext # Estimate PVs = pvestimation.structure(**kwargs) # Output print('Saving output at', kwargs['out']) refSpace = ImageSpace(kwargs['ref']) refSpace.save_image(PVs, kwargs['out'])
[docs]def estimate_complete(): """ CLI for estimating PVs for L/R cortex and subcortex """ parser = CommonParser('ref', 'struct2ref', 'fslanat', 'fsdir', 'firstdir', 'fastdir', 'LPS', 'LWS', 'RPS', 'RWS', 'ones', 'super', 'cores', 'out', 'flirt', 'struct', description=("Estimate PVs for cortex and all structures identified " "by FIRST within a reference image space. Use FAST to fill in " "non-surface PVs")) kwargs = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Unless we have been given prepared fslanat dir, we will provide the path # to the next function to create one if type(kwargs.get('fslanat')) is str: if not op.isdir(kwargs.get('fslanat')): raise RuntimeError("fslanat dir %s does not exist" % kwargs['fslanat']) else: if not all([ (('fastdir' in kwargs) and ('firstdir' in kwargs)), (('LPS' in kwargs) and ('RPS' in kwargs)) ]): raise RuntimeError("Either separate firstdir, fastdir and struct"+ " must be provided, or an fslanat dir must be provided") output = pvestimation.complete(**kwargs) # Output paths. If given -out then use that as output, otherwise # save alongside reference image ext = '.nii.gz' if not kwargs.get('out'): namebase = op.splitext(utils._splitExts(kwargs['ref'])[0])[0] outdir = op.join(op.dirname(kwargs['ref']), namebase + '_surfpvs') else: outdir = kwargs['out'] # Make output dirs if they do not exist. intermediatedir = op.join(outdir, 'intermediate_pvs') os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(intermediatedir, exist_ok=True) # Load the reference image space and save the various outputs. # 'stacked' goes in the outdir, all others go in outdir/intermediate refSpace = ImageSpace(kwargs['ref']) print('Saving output at', outdir) for k, o in output.items(): if k in ['stacked', 'GM', 'WM', 'nonbrain']: path = op.join(outdir, k + ext) else: path = op.join(intermediatedir, k + ext) refSpace.save_image(o, path)
[docs]def convert_surface(): """ CLI for converting surface formats """ parser = CommonParser('surf', 'coords', 'struct', 'out', description="""Convert a surface file (.white/.pial/.vtk/.surf.gii). NB FreeSurfer files will have the c_ras offset automatically applied during conversion.""") parsed = parser.parse_args() if parsed.coords == 'fsl' and parsed.struct: insurf = Surface(, 'fsl', parsed.struct) else: insurf = Surface(
[docs]def prepare_projector(): """ CLI for making a Projector """ parser = CommonParser('ref', 'struct2ref', 'flirt', 'struct', 'fsdir', 'LPS', 'LWS', 'RPS', 'RWS', 'cores', 'ones', 'out', 'super', description=("Prepare a projector for a reference voxel grid and set " "of surfaces, and save in HDF5 format. This is a pre-processing " "step for performing surface-based analysis of volumetric data.")) args = parser.parse_args() if args.flirt: struct2ref = rt.Registration.from_flirt(args.struc2ref, args.struct, args.ref).src2ref elif args.struct2ref == "I": struct2ref = rt.Registration.identity().src2ref else: struct2ref = rt.Registration(args.struct2ref).src2ref # Set up the hemispheres, reference ImageSpace, and prepare projector. spc = ImageSpace(args.ref) hemispheres = utils.load_surfs_to_hemispheres(**vars(args)) hemispheres = [ h.transform(struct2ref) for h in hemispheres ] proj = projection.Projector(hemispheres, spc, args.super, args.cores, args.ones) # Add default .h5 extension if needed, make outdir, save. outdir, outname = op.split(args.out) outbase, outext = op.splitext(outname) if not outext: outext = '.h5' if outdir: os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) out = op.join(outdir, outbase + outext)