Source code for toblerone.utils

"""Toblerone utility functions"""

import os.path as op
import glob
import warnings 
import multiprocessing
import copy 

import numpy as np 
import regtricks as rt
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs

NP_FLOAT = np.float32

STRUCTURES = ['L_Accu', 'L_Amyg', 'L_Caud', 'L_Hipp', 'L_Pall', 'L_Puta', 
                'L_Thal', 'R_Accu', 'R_Amyg', 'R_Caud', 'R_Hipp', 'R_Pall', 'R_Puta', 
                'R_Thal', 'BrStem']

[docs]def cascade_attributes(decorator): """ Overrride default decorator behaviour to preserve docstrings etc of decorated functions - functools.wraps didn't seem to work. See """ def new_decorator(original): wrapped = decorator(original) wrapped.__name__ = original.__name__ wrapped.__doc__ = original.__doc__ wrapped.__module__ = original.__module__ return wrapped return new_decorator
[docs]def check_anat_dir(dir): """Check that dir contains output from FIRST and FAST""" return all([ op.isdir(op.join(dir, 'first_results')), op.isfile(op.join(dir, 'T1_fast_pve_0.nii.gz')), ])
def _loadFIRSTdir(dir_path): """Load surface paths from a FIRST directory into a dict, accessed by the standard keys used by FIRST (eg 'BrStem'). The function will attempt to load every available surface found in the directory using the standard list as reference (see FIRST documentation) but no errors will be raised if a particular surface is not found """ files = glob.glob(op.join(dir_path, '*.vtk')) if not files: raise RuntimeError("FIRST directory %s is empty" % dir_path) surfs = {} for f in files: fname = op.split(f)[1] for s in STRUCTURES: if s in fname: surfs[s] = f return surfs def _loadFASTdir(dir): """Load the PV image paths for WM,GM,CSF from a FAST directory into a dict, accessed by the keys FAST_GM for GM etc """ if not op.isdir(dir): raise RuntimeError("FAST directory does not exist") paths = {} files = glob.glob(op.join(dir, '*.nii.gz')) channels = { '_pve_{}'.format(c): t for (c,t) in enumerate(['CSF', 'GM', 'WM']) } for f in files: fname = op.split(f)[1] for c, t in channels.items(): if c in fname: paths['FAST_' + t] = f if len(paths) != 3: raise RuntimeError("Could not load 3 PV maps from FAST directory") return paths def _loadSurfsToDict(fsdir): """Load the left/right white/pial surface paths from a FS directory into a dictionary, accessed by the keys LWS/LPS/RPS/RWS """ sdir = op.realpath(op.join(fsdir, 'surf')) if not op.isdir(sdir): raise RuntimeError("Subject's surf directory does not exist") surfs = {} snames = {'L': 'lh', 'R': 'rh'} exts = {'W': 'white', 'P': 'pial'} for s in ['LWS', 'LPS', 'RWS', 'RPS']: path = op.join(fsdir, 'surf', '%s.%s' % (snames[s[0]], exts[s[1]])) if not op.exists(path): raise RuntimeError("Could not find a file for %s in %s" % (s,fsdir)) surfs[s] = path return surfs def _splitExts(fname): """Split all extensions off a filename, eg: 'file.ext1.ext2' -> ('file', '.ext1.ext2') """ fname = op.split(fname)[1] ext = '' while '.' in fname: fname, e = op.splitext(fname) ext = e + ext return fname, ext
[docs]def affine_transform(points, affine): """Apply affine transformation to set of points. Args: points: n x 3 matrix of points to transform affine: 4 x 4 matrix for transformation Returns: transformed copy of points """ if len(points.shape) != 2: if points.size != 3: raise RuntimeError("Points must be n x 3 or 3-vector") points = points[None,:] # Add 1s on the 4th column, transpose and multiply, # then re-transpose and drop 4th column transfd = np.ones((points.shape[0], 4)) transfd[:,0:3] = points transfd = np.matmul(affine, transfd.T).astype(NP_FLOAT) return np.squeeze(transfd[0:3,:].T)
def _distributeObjects(objs, ngroups): """Distribute a set of objects into n groups. For preparing chunks before Returns a set of ranges, each of which are index numbers for the original set of objs """ chunkSize = np.floor(len(objs) / ngroups).astype(np.int32) chunks = [] for n in range(ngroups): if n != ngroups - 1: chunks.append(range(n * chunkSize, (n+1) * chunkSize)) else: chunks.append(range(n * chunkSize, len(objs))) assert sum(map(len, chunks)) == len(objs), \ "Distribute objects error: not all objects distributed" return chunks
[docs]@cascade_attributes def enforce_and_load_common_arguments(func): """ Decorator to enforce and pre-processes common arguments in a kwargs dict that are used across multiple functions. Note some function-specific checking is still required. This intercepts the kwargs dict passed to the caller, does some checking and modification in place, and then returns to the caller. The following args are handled: Required args: ref: path to a reference image in which to operate. struct2ref: path/np.array/Registration representing transformation between structural space (that of the surfaces) and reference. If given as 'I', identity matrix will be used. Optional args: fslanat: a fslanat directory. flirt: bool denoting that the struct2ref is a FLIRT transform. This means it requires special treatment. If set, then it will be pre-processed in place by this function, and then the flag will be set back to false when the kwargs dict is returned to the caller struct: if FLIRT given, then the path to the structural image used for surface generation is required for said special treatment. cores: maximum number of cores to parallelise tasks across (default is N-1). Returns: a modified copy of kwargs dictionary passed to the caller. """ def enforcer(ref, struct2ref, **kwargs): # Reference image path if (not isinstance(ref, rt.ImageSpace)): ref = rt.ImageSpace(ref) # If given a fslanat dir we can load the structural image in if kwargs.get('fslanat'): if not check_anat_dir(kwargs['fslanat']): raise RuntimeError("fslanat is not complete: it must contain " "FAST output and a first_results subdirectory") kwargs['fastdir'] = kwargs['fslanat'] kwargs['firstdir'] = op.join(kwargs['fslanat'], 'first_results') # If no struct image given, try and pull it out from the anat dir # But, if it has been cropped relative to original T1, then give # warning (as we will not be able to convert FLIRT to world-world) if not kwargs.get('struct'): if kwargs.get('flirt'): matpath = glob.glob(op.join(kwargs['fslanat'], '*nonroi2roi.mat'))[0] nonroi2roi = np.loadtxt(matpath) if np.any(np.abs(nonroi2roi[0:3,3])): print("Warning: T1 was cropped relative to T1_orig within" + " fslanat dir.\n Please ensure the struct2ref FLIRT" + " matrix is referenced to T1, not T1_orig.") s = op.join(kwargs['fslanat'], 'T1.nii.gz') kwargs['struct'] = s if not op.isfile(s): raise RuntimeError("Could not find T1.nii.gz in the fslanat dir") # Structural to reference transformation. Either as array, path # to file containing matrix, or regtricks Registration object if not any([type(struct2ref) is str, type(struct2ref) is np.ndarray, type(struct2ref) is rt.Registration ]): raise RuntimeError("struct2ref transform must be given (either path,", " np.array or regtricks Registration object)") else: s2r = struct2ref if (type(s2r) is str): if s2r == 'I': matrix = np.identity(4) else: _, matExt = op.splitext(s2r) try: if matExt in ['.txt', '.mat']: matrix = np.loadtxt(s2r, dtype=NP_FLOAT) elif matExt in ['.npy', 'npz', '.pkl']: matrix = np.load(s2r) else: matrix = np.fromfile(s2r, dtype=NP_FLOAT) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("""Could not load struct2ref matrix. File should be any type valid with numpy.load().""") raise e struct2ref = matrix # If FLIRT transform we need to do some clever preprocessing # We then set the flirt flag to false again (otherwise later steps will # repeat the tricks and end up reverting to the original - those steps don't # need to know what we did here, simply that it is now world-world again) if kwargs.get('flirt'): if not kwargs.get('struct'): raise RuntimeError("If using a FLIRT transform, the path to the" " structural image must also be given") struct2ref = rt.Registration.from_flirt(struct2ref, kwargs['struct'], ref).src2ref kwargs['flirt'] = False elif isinstance(struct2ref, rt.Registration): struct2ref = struct2ref.src2ref assert isinstance(struct2ref, np.ndarray), 'should have cast struc2ref to np.array' # Processor cores if not kwargs.get('cores'): kwargs['cores'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Supersampling factor sup = kwargs.get('super') if sup is not None: try: if (type(sup) is list) and (len(sup) == 3): sup = np.array([int(s) for s in sup]) else: sup = int(sup[0]) sup = np.array([sup for _ in range(3)]) if type(sup) is not np.ndarray: raise RuntimeError() except: raise RuntimeError("-super must be a value or list of 3" + " values of int type") return ref, struct2ref, kwargs def common_args_enforced(ref, struct2ref, *args, **kwargs): ref, struct2ref, enforced = enforcer(ref, struct2ref, **kwargs) return func(ref, struct2ref, *args, **enforced) return common_args_enforced
[docs]def sparse_normalise(mat, axis, threshold=1e-6): """ Normalise a sparse matrix so that all rows (axis=1) or columns (axis=0) sum to either 1 or zero. NB any rows or columns that sum to less than threshold will be rounded to zeros. Args: mat: sparse matrix to normalise axis: dimension for which sum should equal 1 (1 for row, 0 for col) threshold: any row/col with sum < threshold will be set to zero Returns: sparse matrix, same format as input. """ # Make local copy - otherwise this function will modify the caller's copy constructor = type(mat) mat = copy.deepcopy(mat) if axis == 0: matrix = mat.tocsr() elif axis == 1: matrix = mat.tocsc() else: raise ValueError("Axis must be 0 or 1") # Set threshold. Round any row/col below this to zeros norm = mat.sum(axis).A.flatten() fltr = (norm > threshold) normalise = np.zeros(norm.size) normalise[fltr] = 1 / norm[fltr] *= np.take(normalise, matrix.indices) # Sanity check sums = matrix.sum(axis).A.flatten() assert np.allclose(sums[sums>0], 1, atol=1e-4), 'Did not normalise to 1' return constructor(matrix)
[docs]def is_symmetric(a, tol=1e-9): if not a.nnz: return True return not (np.abs(a - a.T) > tol).max()
[docs]def is_nsd(a): if not a.nnz: return True return not (eigs(a)[0] > 0).any()
[docs]def calculateXprods(points, tris): """ Normal vectors for points,triangles array. For triangle vertices ABC, this is calculated as (C - A) x (B - A). """ return np.cross( points[tris[:,2],:] - points[tris[:,0],:], points[tris[:,1],:] - points[tris[:,0],:], axis=1)
[docs]def slice_sparse(mat, slice0, slice1): """ Slice a block out of a sparse matrix, ie mat[slice0,slice1]. Scipy sparse matrices do not support slicing in this manner (unlike numpy) Args: mat (sparse): of any form slice0 (bool,array): mask to apply on axis 0 (rows) slice1 (bool,array): mask to apply on axis 1 (columns) Returns: CSR matrix """ out = mat.tocsc()[:,slice1] return out.tocsr()[slice0,:]
[docs]def mask_laplacian(lap, mask): lap = lap.tocsr() lap[np.diag_indices_from(lap)] = 0 lap = slice_sparse(lap, mask, mask) dia = lap.sum(1).A.flatten() lap[np.diag_indices_from(lap)] = -dia assert (np.abs(lap.sum(1))< 1e-4).all(), 'Unweighted laplacian' assert is_nsd(lap), 'Not negative semi-definite' assert is_symmetric(lap), 'Not symmetric' return lap
[docs]def mask_projection_matrix(matrix, row_mask, col_mask): """ Mask a sparse projection matrix, whilst preserving total signal intensity. For example, if the mask implies discarding voxels from a vol2surf matrix, upweight the weights of the remaining voxels to account for the discarded voxels. Rows represent the target domain and columns the source. Args: matrix (sparse): of any form, shape (N,M) row_mask (np.array,bool): flat vector of size N, rows to retain in matrix col_mask (np.array,bool): flat vector of size M, cols to retain in matrix Returns: CSR matrix, shape (sum(row_mask), sum(col_mask)) """ if (row_mask.dtype.kind != 'b') or (col_mask.dtype.kind != 'b'): raise ValueError("Row and column masks must be boolean arrays") if not (row_mask.shape[0] == row_mask.size == matrix.shape[0]): raise ValueError('Row mask size does not match matrix shape') if not (col_mask.shape[0] == col_mask.size == matrix.shape[1]): raise ValueError('Column mask size does not match matrix shape') # Masking by rows is easy because they represent the output domain - ie, # we can just drop the rows and ignore. matrix = matrix[row_mask,:] # Masking by cols is harder because we seek to preserve the overall signal # intensity from source to output. So for every bit of source signal that # goes missing, we want to upscale the remainder so that the overall # magnitude of output remains the same. matrix_masked = matrix[:,col_mask] orig_weights = matrix.sum(1).A.flatten() new_weights = matrix_masked.sum(1).A.flatten() valid = (new_weights > 0) sf = np.zeros_like(orig_weights) sf[valid] = orig_weights[valid] / new_weights[valid] matrix_csc = matrix_masked.tocsc() = * np.take(sf, matrix_csc.indices) matrix_new = matrix_csc.tocsr() final_weights = matrix_new.sum(1).A.flatten() if not np.allclose(final_weights[valid], orig_weights[valid]): raise RuntimeError('Masked matrix did not re-scale correctly') return matrix_new
[docs]def rebase_triangles(points, tris, tri_inds): """ Re-express a patch of a larger surface as a new points and triangle matrix pair, indexed from 0. Useful for reducing computational complexity when working with a small patch of a surface where only a few nodes in the points array are required by the triangles matrix. Args: points (np.array): surface vertices, P x 3 tris (np.array): surface triangles, T x 3 tri_inds (np.array): row indices into triangles array, to rebase Returns: (points, tris) tuple of re-indexed points/tris. """ ps = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=NP_FLOAT) ts = np.empty((len(tri_inds), 3), dtype=np.int32) pointsLUT = [] for t in range(len(tri_inds)): for v in range(3): # For each vertex of each tri, check if we # have already processed it in the LUT vtx = tris[tri_inds[t],v] idx = np.argwhere(pointsLUT == vtx) # If not in the LUT, then add it and record that # as the new position. Write the missing vertex # into the local points array if not idx.size: pointsLUT.append(vtx) idx = len(pointsLUT) - 1 ps = np.vstack([ps, points[vtx,:]]) # Update the local triangle ts[t,v] = idx return (ps, ts)
[docs]def space_encloses_surface(space, points_vox): if np.round(np.min(points_vox)) < 0: return False if (np.round(np.max(points_vox, axis=0)) >= space.size).any(): return False return True
[docs]def load_surfs_to_hemispheres(**kwargs): from .classes import Hemisphere # If subdir given, then get all the surfaces out of the surf dir # If individual surface paths were given they will already be in scope if kwargs.get('fsdir'): surfdict = _loadSurfsToDict(kwargs['fsdir']) kwargs.update(surfdict) # What hemispheres are we working with? sides = [] if np.all([ (kwargs.get(s) is not None) for s in ['LPS', 'LWS'] ]): sides.append('L') if np.all([ kwargs.get(s) is not None for s in ['RPS', 'RWS'] ]): sides.append('R') if not sides: raise RuntimeError("At least one hemisphere (eg LWS/LPS) required") hemispheres = [ Hemisphere(kwargs[s+'WS'], kwargs[s+'PS'], s) for s in sides ] return hemispheres